Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tsunami Warning System Failed

Samoa tsunami warning system failed us, say survivors

• Radio listeners given just minutes to evacuate
• Hospitals and morgues struggle to cope
• Reports of looting in Samoa

Toni O'Loughlin in Sydney, Thursday 1 October 2009

Rocked by dozens of aftershocks from the undersea earthquake that triggered a deadly tsunami, people in Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga today began the tasks of cleaning up and counting their dead.

The death toll so far is 149, many having been unable to escape the wall of water up to 9 metres high.

According to eyewitness reports from Samoa, four giant walls of water struck the island over a 20-minute period, flattening villages, shattering holiday resorts, scattering boats and cars, felling trees and spreading mud for several miles inland.

One woman was lying in the sun watching her three young children play on the sand only to see the water surge then engulf all three and sweep them out to sea.

"All three of them – gone," said their grandfather, who was trying to find his daughter in hospital.

One man, who was standing in his store when he saw the wave, survived by climbing a tree.

"I didn't care about the material things. All that mattered was my life. I survived because I ran to the coconut tree, climbed up and hung on for life."

His brother survived and saved their mother by clinging on to their house, but many died while trying to rescue others.

As aid workers and army personnel arrived from Australia, New Zealand and the US to assist with the aftermath, hospitals and their staff were struggling with the toll. In Samoa, doctors and nurses worked furiously in two operating theatres while another two surgeries stood empty due to the lack of staff.

The hospital mortuary was also overflowing and bodies were being stored in makeshift containers and private morgues.

An Australian paramedic described the morgues as "just disgusting".

Although shell-shocked, anger is rising. Many said they felt bitterly let down by the failure of the tsunami warning system, which they believed would give ample advance warning but instead gave those lucky enough to be listening to the radio just minutes to evacuate.

Resort owner Wendy Booth, whose land was gouged away by the tsunami, said they felt the earthquake but waited for text messages before they started the emergency drill.

"Then nothing happened. So we thought everything was OK and we told the staff to tell the guests not to be frightened. And the next minute we could see this big wave coming," Booth said.

"We're lucky we got 17 people out, there's other properties that aren't so lucky, that have lost guests and staff. One of our relations who runs a neighbouring resort at Sinalei reef resort was killed in the tsunami as well," she said.

Although a community accustomed to looking out for one another, there are reports of widespread looting in Samoa.

Resort owners have reported that many who were left destitute were stealing anything saleable. Young boys were reportedly walking around with large snapper, and cans of herring and corned beef.

"This is our present from the tsunami," one said, waving a can.

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