Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Muslim Does Not Fall Into Backbiting

The Muslim Does Not Fall Into Backbiting

From Ibn ‘Umar (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:
“Whoever intercedes and prevents one of the punishments prescribed by Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, then he has opposed Allah regarding His orders. Whoever dies with a debt due on him then it will not be (repaid) by dinars and dirhams but rather by good and bad deeds. Whoever disputes for something which he knows is false then he remains in Allah’s anger until he desists. Whoever accuses a believer of something that is untrue then Allah will make him dwell in the pus flowing from the inhabitants of the Fire and he will not leave until he retracts from what he said”
(Hadith reported by Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majjah and al-Hakim)

So the lethal plague of backbiting destroys one’s good deeds, destroys brotherhood and destroys one’s reward. So the true Muslim does not backbite, nor does he allow backbiting to take place in his presence. So let those people fear Allah, those whose bodies do not develop and those whose spirit is not fed except upon spreading rumours and inventing lies against the servants of Allah claiming that this is for the benefit of dakwah .

How strange ! What benefit to the dakwah will be achieved through slandering, backbiting and mentioning the bad manners of others? Do you think O you who backbites the people, that you are far removed from defect? O you who can only see the deficiencies of others, do you think that you are free from any mistakes? “…..rather you are full of deficiencies and the people have tongues” ! Also from those things which must be known is that: The Muslim Does Not Pry Into The Matters that do not Concern Him.

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