Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Looking After The Welfare Of All Malaysians?

Wednesday October 14, 2009

Najib: UMNO looks after the welfare of all Malaysians

PUTRAJAYA: The time has come for UMNO to be the main political party looking after the interests of all Malaysians, and not only the Malays and bumiputra, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said.

This, he added, was in line with the 1Malaysia concept of “People First, Performance Now” that was gaining acceptance from all the races.

“I think we have come to a stage where UMNO is seen as a party which looks after the welfare and well-being of all Malaysians,” he said.

Message from the president: Najib gesturing while delivering his speech in Putrajaya yesterday.

Although UMNO was a party of the Malays and bumiputra, it should also be allowed to take charge of the interests of all the people, the UMNO president said in a special interview at his office here yesterday.

However, he stressed this did not mean that UMNO would open its doors to all races right now, adding that it would be left to the members to determine that sometime in the future, when they were ready.

He said UMNO had to put forward the openness in its approach, to take care of the interests of its members and the people as a whole, in undergoing the process of renewal.

“It does not mean that we concentrate on our members only, although our members are important. We must have the capacity and wisdom to expand what we can do in terms of delivering our message and fulfilling all the aspirations and resolving the problems of the people as a whole,” he said.

Najib said this was why he emphasised “people first” because the people would support the Barisan Nasional government if they were a satisfied lot.

He said that although the 1Malaysia concept was still new, he could feel the momentum picking up and many people were now greeting each other with “Salam 1Malaysia”.

Najib described the 1Malaysia concept, which he introduced six months ago after becoming Prime Minister, as a journey for Malaysians of all races towards building a Malaysian race.

Najib also criticised the Opposition for trying to belittle the concept, including instigating the Muslims to reject it.

“They will say they are right, we are wrong. It’s up to us to say why 1Malaysia is actually a requirement of Islam,” Najib said.


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