Monday, October 5, 2009

Abuse Their Kids

Monday October 5, 2009

Many parents abuse their kids

I FEEL really sick when I read articles about child abuse. I am a mother of three boys and a girl. I too have to discipline them, but to discipline and to abuse are two different things.

I have seen many parents abusing their children in public. Recently, at a supermarket I saw a father “dealing” with his five-year-old son.

He took the poor boy to his car, put him on the back seat and hit him while his wife just sat with her other kids on a bench and waited for her husband to call her.

Being a mum is not just about giving birth to kids, it’s also about protecting them.

In another incident, I saw a girl around seven with tears in her eyes, pushing a shopping cart.

Her parents were nagging at her all the time. I wonder what they did to make her cry but I really felt sorry for her.

I couldn’t really understand what her parents were saying but heard something like “I will hit you.”

And what really hurt me most was that there was nothing I could do about it.

I wish I could call the police and let the law protect these children.

Once when I visited my nephew in Kuala Lumpur, I told his neighbour off because I heard a boy constantly crying throughout my three-day visit and a woman shouting all the time.

On my last day, I told her that if I heard the boy cry again, I will call the police.

For the rest of the day, there was no more crying or shouting from next door.

These are just a few examples of how bad parents can be nowadays.

What does a boy do to deserve such cruel treatment from his parents who are supposed to love, protect and guide him especially when they are very young? Kids will just be kids.

We too were kids once and don’t tell me we never annoyed our parents?

I never hit my children because I want to.

I warn them a few times before I threaten them with the rotan just to scare them.

Whatever problems or stress fills our daily lives, do not let it out on your children. It’s not their fault.

Abusive parents raise abusive kids. Period.

It is not easy raising a child these days.

We need patience and education.

I know how demanding life can be as I’m a working mum (with no maid) and I get angry too.

Let them make mistakes, but guide them.

Let them throw tantrums but use patience and tact to deal with them.

We can never reason with a three-year-old but through them we can learn to become better parents.

We learn to understand and imagine being kids again. With patience, tact and love we will be the parents our kids want us to be and be there for the rest of their lives.

Muslim parents are constantly reminded that whatever we say about our children is a doa (supplication). Be careful what you say or wish for.

Pasir Gudang.

The Star

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