Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Believer is a Mirror for His Brother

From Abu Hurairah (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:
“The Believer is a mirror for the Believer, and the Believer is the brother of the Believer. He safeguards his property for him and defends him from behind”
(Hadith reported by al-Bukhari)

So the description of his being a “mirror” is very precise and profound showing the culmination of brotherhood and solidarity. So your brother, O Servant of Allah, is an image of you yourself. So if he behaves badly it is as if you are the one who has behaved badly, and if he makes a mistake it is as if you have made a mistake. So he is a mirror for you and then an “image” of you yourself ! So do not treat him except with mildness and gentleness. If you do not behave with your brother in this manner, then this will be something which weakens The Muslim’s Struggle and His Devil

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