Friday, August 21, 2009

Quran Revealed In Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the holy months in Islam and is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is important for Muslims because Ramadan is the month during which the Holy Quran (the Muslims Holy book) was revealed by God (Allah) to Prophet Muhammad pbuh. God has promised to mankind that the gates of Heaven would be opened throughout Ramadan and the gates of Hell would be closed. It is also important because Ramadan is the month during which the Muslims were ordered to fast, and this obligatory fasting is the 3rd pillar of Islam, and to fast is to achieve a spiritual satisfaction and total submission to God in their daily practice. The name “Ramadan” came from the time before the Islamic calendar when the month of Ramadan fell in the summer, and fasting during this month is often thought to figuratively burn away all sins.
To Muslims the Quran is the true words of God given to humanity through Muhammad pbuh, the last of the prophets. Muhammed pbuh was commanded by God to call the people to monotheism and righteousness. This tradition of God chosen prophets or messengers include such figures as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus.
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day. This means not to eat, drink or smoke during the daylight hours. For married adults, it also includes refraining from marital relations during the hours of fasting (i.e. the daylight hours). The fasting person is expected to do his best to practice self control and discipline, not to get angry easy, refrain from using harsh language or insults and to tolerate, forgive and respect others. Young children, old and sick people are not expected to fast. Older people can feed a poor person for every day that they do not fast in Ramadan. Sick people can compensate by fasting other days when they feel well. Children are permitted to fast only when they are strong enough physically to fast without difficulty.

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