Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Health, Wealth and Happiness

fountain of wealth

Hadis - Al-Tirmizhi #5290, Narrated by one of the companions

When we were sitting together, Allah's Messenger pbuh appeared with a trace of
water on his head, and when we told him that he appeared to us to be in a happy frame of mind, he agreed.

The people then began to discuss wealth and Allah's Messenger said, "There is no harm in wealth for him who fears Allah, Who is Great and Glorious, but for him who fears Allah health is better than wealth, and a happy frame of mind is one of Allah's favours."



What is it?
How do you get it?
How do you recognise it?
What do you do with it once you have it?

What is Prosperity?

Prosperity and abundance circulates through the universe and through all our is an never ending flow of giving and receiving.

Our inner world is formed by our perceptions of the outer world. We all see the world through our own personal window which is a reflection of our beliefs, interpretations and associations. These have been formed throughout our lives by our numerous experiences. Our prosperity is really a reflection of our thoughts.

How do you recognize Prosperity?

Many people only associate prosperity with financial wealth but true riches are of many kinds. Along with material wealth there is also love, friendships, family, health, knowledge and spiritual wealth.

How do you get Prosperity?

For prosperity to touch your life there is just one truth....Giving leads to receiving. Those who give, who are generous, who share their wealth whatever that may be know something greater; giving itself is real riches. By giving of your time, of your love, of your friendships or of your money you receive more inner satisfaction, happiness and peace.

What do you do with Prosperity?

Once you give a gift to someone, forget about it. Whenever you give something away, consider it a gift, and don't expect something in return. Give freely and from the heart. Give with the intention of making both the giver and the receiver happy.

• If you want happiness then share happiness with all you meet
• If you want peace then live a peaceful life
• If you want love then give love freely and from your heart
• If you want joy then give joy to others
• If you have much give of your wealth
• If you have little give of your heart

Lao-Tse on Greed:
Continuing to fill a pail after
it is full, water will be wasted
Continuing to grind an axe after it
is sharp will wear it away

Excess of light blinds the eye
Excess of sound deafens the ear
Excess of sweets deadens the taste
He who possesses moderation is lasting and enduring.
Too much is always a curse

Ten Affirmations Towards Prosperity:
From "Your Right To Riches" by Colin Sisson

• I have great worth just being myself
• I deserve to be prosperous and wealthy
• Money flows easily to me
• Wealth enables me to more fully express my creative potential
• Expressing my creativity allows me to be wealthy
• Money and prosperity help me to help others
• The more I give, the more I receive
• I enjoy being paid for doing what I enjoy
• I am willing to receive money for my pleasure
• I am willing to allow my life to be fun and easy


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