Friday, August 28, 2009


From Ibn Umar (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:
“I have been sent with the sword, before the Hour, so that Allah alone should be worshipped without any partner for Him, and my provision has been placed beneath the shade of my spear, and subservience and humiliation have been placed upon those who disobey my orders, and whoever imitates a people then he is one of them”
(hadith reported by Ahmad and others with hasan isnaad)

The Muslim has a distinct personality with his own special nature and particular outlook and manner. He is distinct in his appearance, his nature, his creed (‘aqidah), his orientation and direction faced in Prayer, and in all his affairs.

By being distinct, Muslims preserve their religion, Islam, and their call in a clear and pure form, free from any adulteration or mistakes. However the Muslim whilst being distinct does not depart from Justice and Being Justly Balanced.

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