Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prayer In Islam (Sembahyang Dalam Islam)

even a "special person" can lead a few in a prayer

The religion of Islam and Muslims feature prominently in the media nowadays. Muslims are often depicted as fanatical or extreme for simply following the basic tenets of Islam and the information that is circulated is often incorrect or inadequately explained. Basic practices and pillars of Islam begin to take on strange connotations when the reality is that they are acts of worship that denote piety and God consciousness. Muslims testify with certainty that there is none worthy of worship except God alone. They believe that Muhammad pbuh is His Messenger. They fast, they give in charity, and they try to go on a pilgrimage.

Muslims also pray five times per day. Five times! When some hear this, they throw their hands up in horror and wonder about the amount of time this takes and how it can be slotted into one 24 hr period. Others, who are used to communicating with God in their own form of prayer will often question the rules and regulations, are attached to prayer in Islam. God, they say, is accessible at any time. According to Muslim belief that is correct. God is accessible at anytime and in any place. Muslims call on God frequently throughout the day and night. They raise their hands in supplication and ask for His Help, Mercy, and Forgiveness.
Read the complete article at: http://www.islamreligion.com/articles/2642/
courtesy of Aisha Stacey

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