Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Astrology of 09/09/09


Today is the 9th of September, 2009,

and 9/9/9 like other dates in this series is a once in a century occurrence. The number 9 has a specific significance in Bible and also in Vedic Scriptures. Some analysts and thinkers have stated that 9 is a number of death and so one should expect untoward incidents on this date. However, both the Bible and Vedas have different and more positive interpretation of this number 9.

Nine has a special significance in Mathematics as the sum of digits of numbers derived from multiples of 9 are themselves always a multiple of 9. In Vedic scriptures the number 9 represents God and God times anything is always God.

According to the Bible, 9 is the number of finality or judgment – the judgment of man and all his works. As per Bible 9 is 3X3 the product of divine completeness.

In Vedic scriptures, the number 108 (1 0 8=9) has a specific significance as it represents “whole of existence”. The number 9 thus represents wholeness. In vedic astrology there are nine planets which traverse through the 12 zodiacs (9X12=108).

Astrologically, on 9-9-09 Saturn is transiting from one zodiac to another thereby making this date a very significant one for all people. I will be writing a separate post highlighting the effect of this transit on all zodiac signs.

Saturn is moving from Leo to Virgo on 9-9-9 causing several changes in lives of all humans on the earth. Saturn a slow moving planet, known as “shani” in vedic astrology. It takes two and half years to move from one sign to other. Saturn in a positive way indicates spiritual life, meditation, concentration, longevity, law and judgment. It is the guardian of the mysteries of true awareness, also gives detachment and independence.
A negative Saturn indicates misfortune, poverty, loss, obstruction, hindrance in self expression, separation, depression, disease and increased worry, fear & anxiety. As the slowest moving planet its influence is to delay, to hold the developments. It takes away vitality on a physical or a mental level. It plays an important role in disease like chronic ailments of old age, arthritis and cancer.

Saturn is about to change its sign from Leo to Virgo on September 9, 2009. Virgo is a sign of Saturn’s friend planet - Mercury. Unlike the Leo sign which is its enemy sign here Saturn will be in a relaxed state. It will stay here for two and half years i.e. up to March 2013.


You will gain profit through luck and hard work but it will be difficult for you to save money. You will spend the money on foreign travels, entertainment and on medical facilities. Saturn will be rotating in your disease house indicating caution on health. You may have eye infection, stomach and liver related problems, and pain in legs.

You need to be extra careful while taking any decisions.


You must say thanks to Saturn to leave from the negative period of unpleasant environment at home and work place.
The transit of Saturn will be in your creativity house. It bestows you with the potential of creativity – which can produce a good writer, orator, singer or an actor.

You will spend money on auspicious work, visiting spiritual shrines and to establish business. Avoid heavy diets and parties else there will be constipation and gastric troubles.


Get ready to accept changes in life. Saturn’s transit will be change your emotional feelings both outwardly and inwardly (the mind). Changes are indicated in private life, domestic environment, property and vehicles. Increase your stamina to work for long hours. There will be change of work place – you may change job or nature of work.

You need to balance the energy between emotional and rationale mind. You will use intellect and logic when expressing feelings which can leave you exhausted.

Saturn is transiting to the Vrgo Sign on September 9, 2009 and will stay there for the next 30 months (2.5 years). This movement of the Planet will effect almost all human beings on this earth to some extent. Some will be benefitted and some will get flustered. This post is the 2nd in the 4 part series where I predict using Vedic Astrology the effect of Saturn's Transit on the Moon Signs - Cancer, Leo and Virgo.


Congratulations, you are out of your Sade sati phase (The seven and half year period of Saturn). Now is the time to enjoy the blessings of Saturn. Your confidence will give you mental strength. Relationship with colleagues, friends, and siblings will become strong. The path to attain material goals will be achieved via visiting spiritual shrines.


You will be under the influence of last phase of Sade sati Saturn. In this phase you have to deal with finance and domestic affairs.

Your long cherished desire to make property will be fulfilled. Loans will be easy to get. Try to enjoy the happiness with family members, give them adequate attention and love. Relationship can become stronger and this is the best time for marriage.


Virgo is a practical and materialistic sign. Saturn is the friend of Virgo’s lord - Mercury but in your sign Saturn has the lordship of benefic as well as malefic house. In this period Saturn’s transit will be from your self house and you will undergo from second cycle of Sade sati Saturn. It indicates you will do favors to siblings and friends. Your long awaited projects will take off. Keep faith and confidence on your strength and do not disclose your plans before their accomplishment. You will change job or start new venture.
There will be friction with spouse or one may feel neglected. Behavior of near and dear ones can cause emotional setbacks.

Saturn the slowest moving planet in Vedic Astrology is transiting from Leo to Virgo on September 9, 2009. This transit is sure to effect all the human beings on this planet in some way or the other. In the last two posts I have covered Moon Sign based predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo. In this post which is the third in the series, I cover the Moon Sign based predictions for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius


Saturn is a Rajyogakaraka (benefic – giving kingly success) planet and also the friend of Venus which rules the Libra sign. For Librans the seven and half year of Sade sati period will start from 9th September’2009.

Your family responsibility will increase in terms of monetary expenses for additional family member, education or traveling. You will earn good benefits but still you will feel lack of finance. There are indications of living abroad. Saturn indicates lack of peace of mind – perhaps even mental unrest.


Saturn is your ruling planet’s greatest enemy. It gives obstructions in your path which the Mars Martian energy finds it difficult to accept. Traveling for business will be beneficial.

A difficult relationship with your parents is suggested or there will be worries related to their health.

You must also take care of your health as eyes, heart, liver and stomach related problems can rise.


Saturn indicates achievement of your potential in Career and profession. Your self-motivation and courage can overcome all hindrances and restrictions that come your way. You will have to channelize all your energy to your work.

The relationship with the siblings or friends can be distant but there will be responsibility towards parents and spouse. Backache or spondylitis will bother you. Diabetic patients must take extra care.

Saturn is transitting from one house to another on September 9, 2009. After having spent two and a helf years in Leo, Saturn is ready to enter Virgo on this date and stay there for another two and half years. This transit will cause several changes in the lives of all humans on the planet. This post is the fourth and the last of the four part series which I have been publishing on Saturn Transit 2009. Please note that these predictions are based on Moon Signs and not Sun Signs. This post covers the last three zodiacs namely Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Saturn as your planetary ruler transits to your fortune and luck house. It indicates favor and luck and also allows you to develop higher energies without much struggle. You will travel to foreign lands and be able to meet or visit the desired person or place.

Inheritance and gains from your paternal side is indicated. Your own health will be the major concern for you and your family. Doctors may find it difficult find what ails you. Some of the symptoms may be - nervousness, palpitation, headache, body ache and other common problems. Capricorns with a weak eyesight may undergo surgery.


The transit of Saturn is to a difficult house, connected with obstacles, transformation and secrets. Break-ups in close relationships may occur.

It is a time to renegotiate partnerships but not a good time to enter into new ones
You will be engulfed with the negative environment around you. You must strengthen your ability and work hard to face obstacles and enemies. Develop an attitude of caring for others and work to let go your ego.


Saturn indicates conflict with spouse, problems in relationship if lord is weak in natal chart. In depression you will turn towards spiritual energies and would love to stay with your own company.

Saturn controls both your expenses and earnings – you may always feel restricted with your spending. Plan your finances carefully and invest in long term investments.

(I don't subscribe to Astrology, and the above is sourced from for people interested to read more)

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