Friday, September 11, 2009

Returning to the Truth

From Ibn Abbas (radhiyallah hu anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:
“There is no believing servant except that he has a sin which he commits from time to time, or a sin which he persists in and does not abandon until he leaves this world. Indeed the Believer was created as one who is frequently tried and tested, who often repents and (then) forgets. When he is admonished he accepts the admonition”.

(Hadith reported by at Tabrani)

So it is as said: Returning to the Truth is a virtue whereas continuing in falsehood is despicable. Returning to the Truth elevates a person and raises his rank, both with God (Allah) and with the people. Indeed it is only Satan who makes it appear to the people that returning to the truth is a defect (or deficiency) and a slight to one’s honour. This is one of the deceptions and thricks employed by Iblis (the evil one). A person returning to the truth and not being too proud to accept it places him in an ideal position to appreciate Responsibility.

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