Sunday, September 13, 2009

Muslim Makes Excuses for Other Muslims

From Sa’ad ibn ‘Ubaadah (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:
”…and there is no one who loves to accept an excuse more than Allah, and because of this He sent the bringers of good news and the warners…”
(Hadith reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

A Muslim seeking to make excuse for his brothers and those whom he loves will cause goodwill to spread instead of antagonism, and will bring about ties of relationship instead of estrangement. Since if Allah, He who is free of all imperfections, grants excuse, and He is the Creator and the Most Great, then how can you O servant of Allah, a weak creation of His, not seek to make excuse for others? Rather as is said: Seek an excuse for your brother. Likewise there is the saying: The believers seek to make excuses for others, whereas the hypocrites hope for the downfall of others. So the fact that the Muslim seeks to excuse his brothers emphasizes that The Muslim Does Not Harbour Envy.

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