Thursday, May 23, 2013

Malaysian authorities crack down on opposition activists

After controversial re-election by National Front coalition, three anti-government figures arrested and activist student charged
Malaysia Adam Adli arrest
Malaysian authorities have detained three anti-government figures, charged a student activist with sedition and seized hundreds of opposition newspapers, raising political tensions after recent national elections triggered claims of fraud.
Opposition activists have staged numerous peaceful demonstrations since the 5 May general election won by the National Front coalition with a weakened parliamentary majority. The activists insist the coalition, which has governed since 1957, retained power through bogus ballots and other irregularities, though the prime minister, Najib Razak, and electoral authorities deny manipulating the results.
The latest arrests involve Tian Chua, a senior official in the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s People’s Justice party; Haris Ibrahim, a rights activist who leads an anti-government group; and Tamrin Ghafar, an opposition party member. The men have criticised the National Front at recent political gatherings.
Chua wrote on Twitter that police detained him at an airport and told him he was being held for sedition. Ibrahim and Tamrin were held separately, but it was not immediately clear for what they were being investigated. Police officials responsible for their case could not immediately be contacted.
After his arrest, Chua tweeted that Malaysians should not allow themselves to be “overtaken by fear [but should] continue to assemble peacefully and have faith”.
Their arrests occurred hours after prosecutors charged the student Adam Adli, 24, with making seditious statements that included calling for people to “go down to the streets to seize back our power” while addressing a political forum. He pleaded innocent at a Kuala Lumpur district court on Thursday and was released on bail before a hearing set for 2 July.
Sedition as defined by Malaysian law includes promoting hatred against the government.
Rights activists have long criticised Malaysia‘s anti-sedition law as a tool to curb democratic dissent. Najib said last year the government planned to eventually abolish the Sedition Act, which was introduced in 1949 during British colonial rule, and replace it with new laws that would strike a better balance between allowing freedom of speech and ensuring public stability.
Adli, who was arrested last weekend, faces three years in prison and a fine if convicted.
Hundreds of people have demonstrated peacefully in recent days against Adli’s arrest. Adli became publicly known in 2011 when he brought down a flag bearing Najib’s portrait at the ruling party’s headquarters during a demonstration. He was subsequently suspended for three semesters from his teaching course at a Malaysian state-backed university.
The home ministry said it had seized more than 2,500 copies of newspapers published by opposition parties from stores nationwide since Wednesday. The government-issued publication licences for those newspapers specify they should be distributed among party members only and are not for retail sales, the ministry said in a statement.

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