Sunday, August 16, 2009

Persist To Exist And Truth Shall Prevail

Napoleon Hill said, "The majority of men meet with failure because of their lack of persistence in creating new plans to take the place of those which fail."

to persist is to continue firmly and obstinately (in an opinion or a cause of action) esp. despite obstacles, remonstrance, etc

to be consistent is to be compatible or in harmony, not contradictory, constant to the same principles of thought or action

to exist is to have a place as part of objective reality

konsisten (atau istiqomah, dalam bahasa Arab) ialah berterusan berada di atas landasan yang betul, "tetapkan pendirian dalam perkataan dan amalan"

Persist To Exist - Istiqomah Untuk Wujud

determination - the tireless pursuit of His Divine Promises, of a goal, a cause or a purpose
driven by belief, optimism, enthusiasm, integrity, courage, confidence, patience, calmness and always being focused,
so that one can be
healthy, happy, wealthy and live in sanctity

and most importantly,God Has Promised
Truth shall always prevail, Lies shall be exposed
Kebenaran pasti akan kekal dan Kebathilan pasti akan jelas

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