Thursday, May 16, 2013

Black to the future

The huge and continuing black rallies against BN’s theft of the 13th general election are a brilliant sign of Malaysians’ undying determination to emerge from the dark ages imposed on them by this dim and shady regime.
And the fact that the forces of darkness are fighting back with the same fly-by-night tactics for which the people have come to so loathe them is only serving to make prospects of the new dawn brighter.
Faced with election results rejecting of his fraudulent 1Malaysia as nothing but UnMalaysia, UnPrime Minister Najib Abdul Razak immediately started making dark accusations against Chinese Malaysians.
How people comprising little more than 20 percent of the population could be responsible for a 53 percent vote against Najib’s corrupt and criminal government he didn’t and of course couldn’t say.
But his cry has been taken up by the regime’s murky media, most notably Utusan Malaysia with its headline ‘What more do the Chinese want?’
And now Utusan and another BN partner-in-grime, Berita Harian, have taken to supporting Najib in his attempt to darken the mood of Malays against the Chinese as well as against the black rallies protesting his electoral fraud.
Utusan has headlined claims that ‘Young Chinese monopolise illegal rallies’ and ‘DAP continues to trigger provocation’.

Berita Harian
 has pulled out all the stops with a 12-page ‘report’ alleging violence at the rallies by means of pictures taken long ago at a Bersih demonstration.
Berita Harian has focused less on demonising the Chinese and more on smearing the name of Anwar Ibrahim, alleging ‘he continues to be the mastermind of street demonstrations in this country’, and adding that ‘the rakyat is fed [sic] with all kinds of sedition and slander through social media to give a negative picture about the general election’.
Blackest record
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. What the rakyat, or at least the majority, are actually sick of is the kind of sedition and slander with which Berita HarianUtusan and all the rest of BN’s mainstream media have been poisoning the people’s minds all these years.
azlanIn fact, of all BN’s accomplices in its betrayal of the rakyat during all the dark and dreary decades of its rule, the ‘mainstream’ media arguably have the blackest record.
The sole purpose of news organisations, after all, is to be ‘watchdogs’ to warn and guard the people against crimes and injustices committed against them by their institutions of government.
But instead, pleading the provisions of BN’s pernicious, anti-constitutional Printing Presses and Publications Act, the mainstream media and the thousands of fake editors and journalists who infest them have been nothing but regime stooges.
They have been systematically keeping silent on BN crimes, corruptions and deceptions, and stridently attacking regime critics and opponents with steady streams of lies.
This monstrous betrayal of the people has been equalled, if possible, only by a judiciary so regime-compliant that the people not only have no watchdog, but no legal protection against such atrocities as the rigged recent election.
Yet, according to Malaysiakini, former Court of Appeal Judge Mohd Noor Abdullah has had the arrogance to join in Najib’s racist blame-game for his losing campaign with the assertion that “Chinese Malaysians must be prepared for a backlash from the Malay community for their “betrayal” in the general election.
“For the Malays, the pantang larang (taboo) is to be betrayed,” he declared, “because when they are betrayed, they will react, and when they react, their dendam kesumat tidak tersudah-sudah(wrath will be endless).”
This racist rant brings us back to the black rallies, which are the most promising sign in living memory that not just Malays but Malaysians of all races are enraged at being betrayed by BN, and that their wrath against the regime will indeed be endless.

Indelible contribution
The endlessly opportunistic Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin seems dimly aware of this, and is desperately trying to present himself as good cop in contrast with other BN operatives’ bad cops.
According to Bernama, BN’s lead rakyat-betraying ‘news’ agency, he said in ‘Hello Malaysia’ on Bernama TV that BN must conduct an in-depth study and analysis on its “trust deficit” if it wants to restore voter trust and confidence within the next five years.
“For instance, the issue about Bangladeshi voters, the blackout during vote-counting in Bentong, ballot boxes brought in suddenly…these must be explained quickly,” he said.
Of course Khairy (left) failed to mention a great many other irregularities that also urgently call for ‘explanation’, like the electoral commission’s collusion with BN in massive gerrymandering and roll-stacking, as well as its turning of a blind eye to the regime’s wholesale bribery of voters.
“There is no magic pill to redeem our credibility in just one day,” he conceded, “but if we are sincere in the transformation and keep our promises, I believe the voters will eventually come to our side. But we have to do it quickly. We have to respond to the allegations fanned by Anwar (Ibrahim).”
As far as I’m concerned, Khairy can talk such pious nonsense as this until he’s black in the face, but nothing he or any other BN mouthpiece can say will help the regime.
Because far from just Anwar fanning allegations, it’s a fact that most Malaysians have made their own minds up that they’re no longer prepared to tolerate BN’s lying and stealing, especially when it comes to stealing elections.
Several major inquiries have been instigated into the fraudulent conduct of the recent election, and more grassroots organisations than ever before in Malaysian history, not to mention countless individuals, are on a mission to rid the nation of the criminal curse of BN.
NONEThe latest such initiative I’ve seen in this cause is my old friend Zunar’s launching of the Cartoonists Against Election Fraud movement.
This is not just an array of great talent, but a roll-call of names that totally gives the lie to any assertion that the Chinese are in the forefront of opposition to BN: Nor Azlin Ngah, Johnny Ong, Amir Hakim, Lawrence Jeyarj, Abdullah Jones, Amier Hamzah Hashim, Azhar Saad, Azlan Isa, Sham Saimum Ezil, Megat, Firdaus and Baba.
What an indelible contribution this team will make compared with BN with all its double-talk, delible ink and dubious ‘news’ media. Just as hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens decked-out in black will continue to signal the continuing doom of the BN regime, and the coming dawn of a brilliant new era for their beloved Malaysia.

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