Friday, October 1, 2010

IGP's plan for a 'polished force'

By Lee Shi-Ian


KUALA LUMPUR: The nation's top cop yesterday unveiled his vision, the "4P" plan, for the police force to deliver more efficient services to the public.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar, flanked by his deputy Datuk Hussin Ismail, said the 4Ps stood for proactive, protective, performance-oriented and people-oriented.

"Previous IGPs have implemented their own visions on the police force and brought it to its current plateau.

"I am carrying on the good work as the present leader to take the force to greater heights," he said at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman.

Explaining the 4P plan, he said being proactive meant innovative thinking was required, allowing for the anticipation of new threats, having strategic planning and a firm action plan.

The second "P" showed the role played by the 100,000-strong police force as guardians of public order and internal security.

As for being performance-oriented, Ismail said this was clearly laid out, including in the force's national key result areas, that they should work to reduce crime.

"Lastly, people-oriented. The Royal Malaysian Police was formed, and exists, to serve the people. We have a duty and obligation to serve the public, regardless of their race, creed or colour."

Ismail said it was important to establish a strong fundamental vision for all policemen to follow as nothing could be achieved without a solid foundation.

"There are only about 100,000 policemen and officers serving in the force but there are 27 million people in Malaysia. So, initiatives such as reaching out via the Internet is important.

"I have held many rounds of discussions with Hussin but we both agree that without the support of the rest of the force, not much will be achieved. In six months' time, many will ask what I have achieved as the IGP.

"So, I am calling on all the men in the police force to support Hussin and me in taking the police force to new heights. Human capital is one of the core strengths of the force."

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