Tuesday, May 25, 2010

He Is Not Attracted to this World

From Sahl ibn Aa’d radhiyallah hu ‘anhu who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said: “Jibril came to me and said: O Muhammad! Live as you will for you must certainly die; love whom you will since you must certainly leave him; act as you will since you shall certainly be given due reward for it; know that the believers eminence is his standing in prayer during the night, and his honour is having sufficiency without dependency upon the people”
(Hadis reported by al-Hakim and others)

The person who lives attached to this world is poor with regard to his Religionand his intellect, he does not realize that this world, for the one having no Religion is the road to degradation, the path to corruption and the key to evil and foul deeds. Whereas the Muslim who is sincere to his Lord and his own soul and with his brothers should be an excellent example to those who thirst after this world and the few dirhams or dinars. He should be a lesson for them that there is no good I that, and that good lies only in taking this world as a means of increasing one’s rank with regard to the Religion and seeking to purify one’s heart. However these two will not be achieved except through Disassociation from this World.

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