Sunday, March 21, 2010

He does not Take Sins Lightly

From Sahl ibn Sa’d radhiyallah hu ‘anhu said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said: Beware of sins which are treated as being minor, just like a people who encamp in the centre of a valley, so someone brings a stick of firewood and someone else brings a stick until they are therefore able to bake their bread. Likewise sins which are treated as being minor and for which the person is taken to account will destroy him.
(hadis narrated by Ahmad, at-Tabranee, as-Saghir and others)

So it is just as the noble companion ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood said: The believer sees his sins as if he were sitting beneath a mountain which he feared was about to fall upon him, whereas the wicked sees his sins like a man who finds a fly settle upon his nose, so he does this (one of the narrators said: He brushes it away from his nose with his hand)
(hadis narrated by al-Bukhari)

The Muslim should realize the Greatness of his Lord, the One free and far removed from all imperfections, and His tremendous Power and Might, and he should not think of the sin as being small or great ! Rather he should think of it with regard to the One he is disobeying !

Those sins which are ignored by the weak hearted cause their destruction by removing Iman and fear of Allah from their hearts !

When a person regards sins and acts of disobedience as something slight then he is one who is oppressing his own soul, and that should never occur, since The Muslim Does not Commit Oppression.

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