Friday, November 6, 2009

Live Your Dreams

What's the main difference between the few who live rich and those who struggle daily to earn a living?
It could just be their capacity to dream.

Dreams are visions of the life you want to live. Dreams drive you to achieve. They make obstacles easy to overcome. They stimulate your creativity and help you invent ways to hurdle seeming impossibilities.

To realize your dreams, to let your plans for the future lead you, your dreams must be clear and vivid. If you've ever driven across Nevada or Utah, you may
have wondered how the pioneers overcame days of trudging through parched desert to reach the dream of California. Their hardships are unimaginable to the modern mind. Without a doubt, they had an overriding desire to reach their destination. They had an unsinkable dream of a better life. In spite of months of exhausting travel, sickness, the loss of cherished possessions, and the death of loved ones, they never lost the vision that put them on their westward path.

Their golden dreams led them to new lives and in many cases, previously unknown wealth. They didn't let privation deter them. Their dreams were stronger than
the struggles along the way.

Unleash the dreamer within you. Set your sights on your own golden future. When you do, you'll barely notice the hurdles you have to clear to reach your
personal finish line. The daunting tasks of networking and tackling business promotion will become welcome stepping-stones to the end you want to
achieve. Each one you conquer will bring you that much closer to your goals.

Success is just a dream away.

courtesy of " a source of inspiration"

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