Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Devotion to the Religion of Islam

From Ka’b ibni Malik al-Ansari (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said: “Two hungry wolves let loose amongst sheep will not cause more harm to them than a person craving after wealth and status will do to his Religion”

(Hadis Sahih Bukhari)

So this is a very great example struck by the Prophet pbuh showing how the Muslim’s Religion is destroyed by craving after wealth and worldly status. It shows that the corruption to one’s Religion caused by this is no less than the destruction caused if two ravenous wolves were left to spend the night amongst a flock of sheep whose shepherd was absent, and they were free to slaughter and feed at will. So as is clear in such a state none of the sheep, except perhaps a few would survive the carnage caused by the two wolves. So Allah’s Messenger pbuh informed that a person’s craving after wealth and status will not cause less damage than the damage caused to the sheep by the two wolves. Rather the damage caused will either be the same, or greater. This shows that when a person craves after wealth and status not much of the Muslim’s Religion will remain unharmed, just as only a few of the sheep would escape the destruction caused by the two wolves.

So flee, may Allah have mercy upon you, from this mad craving after this world and its finery, and there is no salvation from that which has been destined for a person.

So he who wishes for salvation then let it be the case that his desire for his Religion is his foundation and guiding principle, if this is so then Allah will protect him and protect his Religion. Then from the comprehensive matters that should be known is How the Muslim Deals with People

"...That is instructed to whoever should believe in Allah and the Last day. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent." (Quran, 65:2-3)
