Sunday, November 21, 2010

Recall the enjoyment of sex

Elderly couples are urged to recall the enjoyment of sex.

Terengganu is providing sex education for the elderly, following newlywed sex courses and free honeymoons for couples in crisis, in an effort to curb rising divorce rates.

A recent seminar for elderly couples held in the state hoped to "bring back the joy of sex" and to show long-married couples how to get their partner's libido going again.

"Many elderly couples sleep in separate bedrooms and are not intimate. This is unhealthy as they can still have vibrant intimate relationships, especially with all kinds of therapy and health supplements available," the State's Family Development Foundation head Mohamad Shafaruddin Mustafa explained.

"Because of the lack of intimacy, the couples who are already in their twilight years, get more agitated and tense and this strains their marriage badly to the point of divorce.

"This can be avoided with tips on how to keep things exciting," he added.

Such courses are rare in Muslim-majority Malaysia where open discussions on sexual health are not encouraged.

However, with three out of every 10 marriages end in divorce in the state, state officials are trying to keep couples and families together with courses aimed at retaining and enhancing intimacy especially amongst adults and senior citizens.

Last year, the state's family development board organised a sexual relations course for newly-married couples, encouraging them to bathe together and use exotic fragrances to "arouse sexual desire."

The state government has also asked local cosmetics firms to introduce special perfumes for couples following complaints by some that they were divorcing because of routine sex and their partner's bad body odour.

In October last year, Terengganu offered to host a two-night "second honeymoon" for couples on the brink of divorce, providing a romantic holiday at one of the state's beach or island resorts where they could also undergo marriage counselling.

Shafaruddin could not say if the various schemes have helped reduce divorce rates but said the state would hold another 16 newlywed sex courses next year as the programmes have improved the level of intimacy among many couples.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eid ul Adha (Feast of The Sacrifice) 2010

Today is the 10th of Zulhijjah in the year 1431 Hijri / the 17th of Nov 2010 AD and all Muslims (ie people of the Islamic faith) in Malaysia and some other countries are today celebrating the Eid-ul-Adha (or the Feast of the Sacrifice) in conjunction with the season of pilgrimage whereby Muslims who could afford will go to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the Haj (the obligatory pilgrimage) which is the 5th pillar of Islam.
Elsewhere such as in Saudi Arabia and most Middle East countries, the Eid-ul-Adha was celebrated yesterday Tuesday the 16th of Nov 2010, because Monday the 15th of Nov was declared the day of the "wukuf" at the Arafah plain (or field). The Eid-ul-Adha must rightly fall on the day after the "wukuf".

After the sun rises on the 9th Zulhijjah, pilgrims clad in their Ihram (the one-piece white cloth attire) would converged on the ‘Arafah plain for the Wukuf [Grand Assembly]. The wukuf in ‘Arafah is a major pillar of the Hajj. As such the Prophet Muhammad SAW stressed: "Hajj is [the assembly at] ‘Arafah."

The duration for the wuquf begins from the start of the Zuhur Prayer time on 9th Zulhijjah until the fajar (dawn) of 10th Zulhijjah. It is valid to stay for any portion of time within that period. The Prophet SAW stayed in ‘Arafah until the sunset of 9th Zulhijjah and proceeded to Muzdalifah, after the Fajar (dawn) prayer and then moved to Mina arriving before sunrise on 10th Zulhijjah.

At 'Arafah one may conduct jamak for the Zuhur (noon) and ‘Asar (late noon) prayers, joining them at the time of Zuhur if possible to qasar, that is shortening each of them to two raka'ats.

It is of a great benefit at ‘Arafah, one to be preoccupied with continuous dzikir, tasbih, do’a, and seeking for Allah's forgiveness as the Day of ‘Arafah is a very blessed day. 'A'ishah r.a. (the Prophet's wife) narrated a Hadith that the Prophet SAW said:

“There is no day in which Allah frees a greater number of His servants from the Hellfire than the Day of ‘Arafah. Allah comes close to His servants and boasts about them to the angels then asks (a rhetorical question): "What do these servants seek for?"

[Hadis narrated by Muslim]

The Prophet SAW also said, that the best supplication is that made on the Day of ‘Arafah, and the best thing that I and other Prophets before me said:

"Lailaha Illallahu Wahdahu Lasyari Kalah, Lahul Mulkuwalahul Hamdu Yuhyi Wayumiit, Wahuwa ‘Ala Kulli Syai'in Qadeer."
(There is no God but Allah. He has no associate. To Him belong the Sovereignty and all the Praise. He has the sole power over everything.)
[Hadis narrated by Al-Tirmidzi]

Some pilgrims do not recite the Talbiyah aloud on their way from Mina to ‘Arafah. It was proven that the Prophet SAW continued to recite the Talbiyah until he threw the pebbles of Al-‘Aqabah on the day of 'Eid.

One of the most serious mistakes that some pilgrims normally commit is to stop outside `Arafah and then stay there until the sun sets, after which they leave for Muzdalifah. Those who stay in these places have not performed Hajj. There are big and clear signs showing the boundaries of ‘Arafah.

Some people think that they have to go to the place where the Messenger of Allah SAW stood is holy, so they would converge there and climb it and seek blessings from the stones and soil around it. These are indeed wrong and unacceptable and regarded as bida’ah (innovations in religion).

Some people thought that it is essential to pray Zuhur and ‘Asar prayers with the imam in the mosque, seeking that place from far away. This can cause them a great deal of difficulty and leading many of them to go astray, which makes the Hajj extremely difficult for them, and they crowd one another and upset one another.

After spending some time in ‘Arafah, preferrably from Zuhur till Maghrib (dusk) prayers, pilgrims leave for Mina through Muzdalifah. One may perform Jamak and qasar for Maghrib and 'Isyak (night) prayers.

On the way from ‘Arafah, pilgrims will continue to recite the zikir to Allah SWT to seek His forgiveness.

On reaching Muzdalifah pilgrims would pick up enough pebbles for throwing at the three Jamarats. In Muzdalifah, pilgrims may sleep till dawn. This is the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. However, according to some scholars due to the throng of people at Muzdalifah one can leave after midnight.

Muzdalifah is an open area without any shelter or tents there. Pilgrims must be ready with blankets or sleeping bags; these will prove very useful, especially if the night is cold.

Wukuf on the 'Arafah plain is meant to commemorate the landing of Prophet Adam and his wife, Eve on the Earth from the Heavens after Adam defying the Commands of Allah SWT and they both being duped by the devil (iblis) into doing sinful acts forbidden by Allah SWT.

Prophet Adam and Eve were separated on the Earth and it took them 40 years to meet again. And the place where they both met again was at a place called Jabar Rahmah on the 'Arafah plain. It was here that they both for many years supplicated to Allah SWT for forgiveness, and Allah SWT accepted their invocations/supplications.

It is understood that the Wukuf at 'Arafah means briefly stopping on the wide plain, staying there under humid condition and hot sunshine. Pilgrims are encouraged to make as much as possible zikir, supplementary prayers (solat sunat), reciting the Quran, supplicate and make invocations to Allah SWT, and those not performing the Hajj are also encouraged to do likewise at their own respective places. It is also encouraged to do fasting on the 'Arafah day.

Supplicating/invocating on the 'Arafah plain is said to be greatly enhance the acceptance and granting by Allah SWT (among the places and time where/when supplications is duly fulfilled).

Wukuf at 'Arafah presents an impression of the actual situation on the Day of Reckoning on the Mahsyar plain where all human beings irrespective of race, ranks and/or position will be rounded up/assembled to face Allah SWT and accept his retribution/reckoning based on their "amar makruf nahi mungkar" (encourage good deeds reject the evils) on Earth.

The Eid-ul-Adha, similar to the Eid-ul-Fitri prayers is performed in two rakaats, and is not obligatory upon every person but voluntarily and supplementarily performing it earns "bonus marks" from Allah SWT. After performing the Eid-ul-Adha prayers together (in a congregation) in a mosque or surau (mini mosque) such as is commonly practised in Malaysia, the imam (congregation/prayer leader) will then deliver the khutbah (sermon), reading a standard pre-written text issued by the State Islamic Department/Council.

Later in the day, a couple of hours or so after the Eid-ul-Adha prayers the main commemorative event of this Eid will normally be performed, i.e. the slaughtering of sacrificial animal(s) such as camel, cow, goat, sheep or buffalo, and feasting together at the mosque or surau as well as distributing the slaughtered meat to the poor and the needy by sending it to their respective houses/homes.

The loud calling of or takbir of "Allah hu Akbar" will continue until a few days after 10th Zulhijjah, and may even extend for one whole month, acknowledging the His Greatness, unlike on the Eid-ul-Fitri when the takbir can only be called out loud until the moment just before the Eid-ul-Adha prayers is performed, and forbidden to be shouted out after the prayers.

Allah SWT Commanded: "That they may witness things that are of benefit to them (i.e. reward of Hajj in the Hereafter, and also some worldly gain from trade, etc.), and mention the Name of Allah on appointed days (i.e. 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th day of Zulhijjah), over the beast of cattle that He has provided for them (for sacrifice) (at the time of their slaughtering by saying: Bismillah, WAllahu-Akbar, Allahumma Minka wa Ilaik). Then eat thereof and feed therewith the poor who have a very hard time." (Quran 22:28)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Secrets About Jiu Jitsu

"Discover Secrets About Jiu Jitsu That Most Fighters Will NEVER Know"

Jujutsu (also known as Ju-Jitsu, Jiu-Jitsu, or Jiujitsu), is Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon. (Wikipedia)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Portuguese pronunciation: [ʒuˈʒitsu], English: /dʒuːˈdʒɪtsuː/) is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especiallyground fighting. The art was derived from the Japanese martial art ofKodokan judo in the early 20th century,[1][2] which was itself developed from a number of schools (or Ryu) of Japanese jujutsu in the 19th century.

It teaches that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique—most notably by applyingjoint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the other person. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be trained for sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition orself defense .[3] Sparring (commonly referred to as 'rolling') and live drilling play a major role in training, and a premium is placed on performance, especially in competition. (Wikipedia)

photo of BJJ (from Wikipedia)

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

World's longest tunnel

World's longest tunnel breaks down Swiss Alpine barrier

Saturday, October 16, 2010

SEDRUN, Switzerland (AFP) - – A giant drilling machine punched its way through a final section of Alpine rock on Friday to complete the world's longest tunnel, after 15 years of sometimes lethal construction work.

In a stage-managed breakthrough, attended by some 200 dignitaries, 30 kilometres (20 miles) inside the tunnel and broadcast live on Swiss television, engineers from both sides shook hands after the bore had pummeled through the final 1.5 metres (five feet) of rock.

"Here, in the heart of the Swiss Alps, one of the biggest environmental projects on the continent has become reality," said Swiss Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger.

Tunnel workers paid tribute to their colleagues who had died on the construction site with a minute's silence as the names of the eight victims were read out during an emotional ceremony for the breakthrough.

"Workers, thank you, thank you, thank you. We have not only built a tunnel, we have written history," said Luzi Gruber of the construction company Implenia.

The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) high-speed rail link, which will open in 2017, will form the lynchpin of a new rail network between northern and southeastern Europe and help ease congestion and pollution in the Swiss Alps.

It is the third tunnel to be built through the snowbound St. Gotthard area but it is much the longest and three kilometres longer than a rail link between two Japanese islands, the current record holder at 53.8 kilometres.

"The myth of the Gotthard has been broken for a third time. Our forefathers struggled from the Middle Ages onwards to make this mountain passable," Peter Fueglistaler, director of the Federal Transport office, told journalists gathered for the final breakthrough.

Passengers will ultimately be able to speed from the Italian city of Milan to Zurich in less than three hours and further north into Germany, cutting the journey time by an hour.

Once completed, around 300 trains should be able to speed through the Gotthard's twin tubes every day, at up to 250 kilometres per hour (155 mph) for passenger trains.

The 9.8-billion Swiss franc (7.0-billion euro, 9.8-billion dollar) tunnel, which is 9.5 metres in diameter, is also the fruit of strong popular environmental concern about pollution in the Swiss Alps.

Switzerland nonetheless struggled to convince sceptical European neighbours to support the ambitious and costly transalpine rail plans. But Swiss voters helped force the issue in 1994 by supporting a ban on heavy trucks driving across the Alps -- including the expanding flow of transiting EU goods traffic.

A nationwide poll published on Wednesday suggested that sentiment is undimmed, with two thirds supporting a ban on truck traffic through the Gotthard road tunnel and moving it on to rail.

But a senior Swiss official warned the full benefit of the rail tunnel can only be realised if Germany and Italy complete complementary infrastructure.

"For a noticeable amount of freight to be shifted from road to rail, our neighbouring countries Germany and Italy will have to fulfill their contractual obligation to extend access routes," said Peter Fueglistaler, director of the government's Federal Transport Office.

In recent years, Austria, France and Italy have set in motion two similar rail tunnel projects through the eastern and western Alps, which are both planned to exceed 50 kilometres in length in the 2020s.

Apart from the economic and environmental implications, the spotlight was on more than 2,000 tunnel workers, especially following the rescue of Chile's trapped miners.

The builders, who have blasted and bored through 13 million cubic metres (460 million cubic feet) of rock, were feted at a celebration just above the breakthrough point in the mist-bound village of Sedrun.

As the two tunnels became one, tunnelers unfurled a Swiss flag to a thunder of applause.

One of the first to make it through, Hubert Baer, told the crowd: "It's a wonderful feeling, it's an honour to have participated in the construction of the longest rail tunnel in the world."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

TenTenTen Was His Birthday

You celebrated your 16th birthday on Sunday 10/10/10 (10th of October 2010)

Malaysia delays controversial GST introduction

The Malaysian government on Wednesday said it would again delay the implementation of a controversial goods and services tax due next year in the face of strong public opposition.

"The government would like to announce the postponement of the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST)," the finance ministry said in a statement.

The announcement, the latest in a series of delays in the scheme originally mooted in 2007, came ahead of the annual budget announcement Friday by Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is also finance minister.

Veteran opposition lawmaker Lim Kit Siang said the government's decision to delay the GST could mean it is preparing for elections next year.

"The opposition has organised a national campaign against GST. There is no justification for GST at a time when there is abuse and corruption," he told AFP.

"The government knows that if it goes ahead with the GST, public displeasure will boomerang through the air and whip the people who introduce it."

The GST would have helped Malaysia broaden its tax base away from the oil revenues which it currently depends on.

The finance ministry said the GST would ensure "a strong and sustainable fiscal position to support the long term economic growth," but assured that it will hear out the people's concerns prior to its implementation.

"The government will take into account the interest and welfare of the society to ensure the implementation of GST is well received," it said.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Herbal remedies for anxiety found

Two herbal remedies used for centuries to alleviate anxiety have won the backing of scientists.

Researchers found "strong evidence" that passion flower extract and kava both combat anxiety disorders.

Pooled results from an analysis of 24 studies involving more than 2,000 participants also indicated that combinations of the amino acids L-lysine and L-arginine may be useful anxiety remedies.

But the herbal medicine St John's Wort, which is commonly taken to relieve depression, and magnesium supplements were not found to be effective.

Study leader Shaheen Lakhan, from the Global Neuroscience Initiative foundation, a non-profit charitable research organisation based in Los Angeles, said: "Our review and summary of the literature on herbal remedies and dietary supplements for anxiety should aid mental health practitioners in advising their patients and provide insight for future research in this field.

"We found mixed results - while passion flower or kava and L-lysine and L-arginine appeared to be effective, St John's Wort and magnesium supplements were not."

The findings were published in the Nutrition Journal.

Passion flower has a long history of treating anxiety in folklore all over the world.

It is widely recommended as a treatment for restlessness and nervousness. However, it is unclear which of the thousands of chemicals in the plant are responsible for its effects.

Kava is a drink prepared from the plant Piper methysticum. It has been consumed in many cultures for centuries and is said to relieve anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.

Pemilihan KEADILAN 2010

oleh Hamdan M Salleh

Pemilihan 2010 nyata semakin menarik perhatian bukan sahaja ahli KEADILAN malahan rakyat Malaysia secara keseluruhanya terutama kerana kali ini sistem Satu Ahli Satu Undi akan dan telah dilaksanakan.

Semua 400,000 ahli KEADILAN kini boleh menentukan halatuju parti tersebut dengan memilih barisan kepimpinan yang mereka inginkan baik di Cabang mahupun di peringkat tertinggi parti.

Ini suatu peluang kepada ahli untuk menjadi pemangkin politik baru serta menentukan arah perjuangan KEADILAN terutama jika ingin melihat hasrat menuju ke Putrajaya bersama Pakatan Rakyat tercapai.

Setakat berakhirnya Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Cabang pada 3 Oktober 2010, telah tiga tokoh KEADILAN menawarkan diri untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden bagi Pemilihan 2010.

Bermula dengan Ahli Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, disusuli pengumuman Naib Presiden, Azmin Ali di Sabah serta terbaru penawaran diri seorang lagi Naib Presiden, Mustaffa Kamil Ayub menerusi sidang medianya di Kampung Baru.

Dua calon lagi yang telah layak iaitu Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dan Pengarah Strategik KEADILAN, Tian Chua nampaknya belum menyatakan hasrat secara rasmi sama ada untuk turut memeriahkan pemilihan Timbalan Presiden atau tidak.

Pemilihan Timbalan Presiden kali ini adalah amat penting kepada KEADILAN dalam menjamin kesinambungan kepimpinannya.

Persoalan tentang pengganti Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bakal terjawab menerusi pemilihan kali ini. Ini kerana tokoh yang menang dan dilantik sebagai Timbalan Presiden KEADILAN akan memikul tanggungjawab yang amat berat kerana untuk tugas utama untuk tiga tahun mendatang ini adalah untuk membawa KEADILAN ke arah yang lebih kukuh serta perlu sentiasa bersedia untuk menjadi pengganti Ketua Umum serta Presiden parti.

Ini tentunya bukan satu tugas yang mudah. Semestinya beliau akan dibandingkan dengan Anwar. Perbandingan ini tentunya berlaku dalam semua segi terutama dari segi personalitinya, idealistiknya malah dalam semua aspek. Bukan mudah untuk menggantikan pemimpin yang sebegitu. Lebih mudah menjadi pengganti kepada pengganti tokoh besar itu.

Jika dilihat kepada calon-calon yang telah menawarkan diri, nyata mereka semua mempunyai kelebihan dan keupayaan masing-masing. Andainya pencalonan dari 204 Cabang yang MATC telah disahkan menjadi kayu ukur, sudah tentu Azmin Ali menjadi pilihan utama kerana beliau jauhmendahului dengan 102 pencalonan diikuti Datuk Zaid Ibrahim (33 pencalonan) serta Mustaffa Kamil Ayub (17 pencalonan).

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dan Tian Chua yang belum menawarkan diri sebagai calon masing-masing mendapat 4 dan 5 pencalonan. Presiden KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah yang mendapat 3 pencalonan tidak mungkin bertanding bagi jawatan Timbalan Presiden. Fuziah Salleh serta Nurul Izzah Anwar pula mendapat 1 pencalonan dan tidak melepas had 2 pencalonan yang ditetapkan.

Pemilihan 2010 jelas berbeza. Tiada lagi pucuk kepimpinan ditentukan oleh perwakilan. Semua 400,000 ahli KEADILAN kali ini adalah perwakilan. Ini tentu lebih merumitkan namun sangat baik dari segi amalan demokrasi tulen selain dapat meminimakan politik wang.

Amat sukar meramalkan kehendak ahli secara individu. Pencalonan mungkin boleh dijadikan petunjuk tetapi tidak kayu ukur yang baik. Jika MATC menjadi ukuran, situasi berbeza dapat dilihat. Umpamanya, Azmin Ali telah dicalonkan sebagai Timbalan Presiden oleh Cabang Petrajaya dengan menewaskan Mustaffa Kamil Ayub tetapi dengan kelebihan hanya satu undi di mana ahli yang turun mengundi adalah seramai 117 orang.
Cabang Putrajaya menyaksikan Mustaffa Kamil Ayub telah dipilih oleh ahli Cabang berkenaan untuk bertanding Timbalan Presiden. Jadi undi secara individu di sini sekiranya kedua-dua Cabang digabungkan tentunya memenangkan Mustaffa Kamil Ayub.

Tetapi jika di corak pengundian ini di Selangor di mana terdapat 150,000 ahli KEADILAN situasi tentunya amat berbeza. Tambahan pula Azmin Ali adalah Pengerusi Pimpinan Negeri Selangor.

Jumlah keluar mengundi di Selangor ternyata mengejutkan dan tidak konsisten. Cabang Kapar yang mempunyai keanggotaan seramai 5,000 anggota menyaksikan lebih 4,000 keluar mengundi. Lebih 2,000 dari 7,000 ahli KEADILAN Cabang Hulu Selangor pula keluar mengundi bagi MATC.

boleh baca selanjutnya di

The Muslim is Contented and Satisfied

From Abu Hurairah (radhiyallah hu ‘anhu) who said that Allah’s Messenger, Muhammad pbuh said:

Richness is not in having many belongings, but richness is the richness of the soul (contentment)

(Hadis narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

So the greatest of riches that you can attain, O servant of Allah, is contentment of one’s soul, and having a contented heart and this will not be achieved except through humbling oneself before Allah, the one free and far removed of all defects, and calling upon Him in supplication and in placing reliance upon Him. So he whose soul is contented and rich will increase in his Devotion to the Religion of Islam.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bila Mahu Dibersihkan?

Wang Yang Disatukan – Bila Mahu Dibersihkan?

oleh Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Ahli Parlimen Kuala Selangor

“…………Persoalan yang hendak ditanya rakyat, khususnya umat Islam ialah : Sejak bila pulak UMNO pandai membezakan sumber rezeki halal dan haram? Sebabnya? Judi dan UMNO ini sinonim sejak azali lagi!

Sejarah merakamkan betapa UMNO mengingkari fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Mufti Pulau Pinang pada tahun 1951 iaitu Tuan Haji Abdullah Fahim (Ayahanda mantan PM Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) bahawa judi loteri adalah haram.

Ertinya halal dan haram dalam UMNO tidak pernah menjadi masalah sejak penubuhannya mereka lagi. Malahan, tumbesaran UMNO tidak sangat memperhitungkan halal-haram sejak Merdeka lagi.

Ini terbukti apabila kalangan ulamak di dalam UMNO membantah loteri kebajikan adalah haram. Pemimpin UMNOtidak memperdulikan bantahan ulamak dalam UMNO, berakhir dengan episod penubuhan PAS pada 24 November 1951.

Sampai sekarang kita tidak dengar suara membantah secara agresif dalam UMNO supaya judi dihapuskan, malahan baru sahaja kerajaan UMNO / BN meluluskan lesen judi bola 2010 sempena pertandingan Piala Dunia kepada Syarikat Ascot Sport Tan Sri Vincent Tan Berjaya Group pada 6 Mei 2010 tetapi terpaksa digantung buat sehingga kini.

Peliknya kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang yang pertama mengharamkan judi bola sekaligus memusnahkan rancangan UMNO untuk membenarkan lessen judi bola di Malaysia. Kerajaan PAS lebih awal lagi tidak mengizinkan lesen judi di premis-premis di Kelantan setelah berbincang dengan semua tokoh agama-agama lain.

Isu pokok yang hendak diketengahkan ialah sumber pendapatan. Timbalan Perdana Menteri turut tumpang semangkok mengambil kesempatan untuk memukul kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat kononnya orang Islam cukup peka dengan sumber pendapatan mereka bukan dari sumber haram seperti judi.

Kalau benar TPM peka dan UMNO peka dengan sumber pendapatan perlu bersih dan halal, mengapa kerajaan UMNO/BN sejak berdekad lamanya masih mengumpulkan semua pendapatan dari cukai dan bukan cukai dari sumber yang haram seperti Cukai Dosa atau “Sin Tax”, rokok, judi, arak dsbnya masih tidak lagi dipisahkan bahkan disatukan dalam ‘Wang yang Disatukan’ atau “Consolidated Fund” di peringkat kerajaan Pusat?............”

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Have I Told You Lately

Roderick David "Rod" Stewart, CBE (born 10 January 1945) is a British singer-songwriter born and raised in London, England and currently residing in Epping. He is of Scottish and English lineage.

With his distinctive raspy singing voice, Stewart came to prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s with The Jeff Beck Group and then Faces. He launched his solo career in 1969 with his debut album An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down (US: The Rod Stewart Album). His work with The Jeff Beck Group and Faces proved to be influential on the formation of the heavy metal and punk rockgenres, respectively. Both bands were also pioneers of blues-rock.

With his career in its fifth decade, Stewart has achieved numerous solo hit singles worldwide, most notably in the UK, where he has garnered six consecutive number one albums and his tally of 62 hit singles include 31 that reached the top 10, six of which gained the number one position. He has had 16 top ten singles in the USA, with four of these reaching number one. He has sold over 250 million records worldwide, and is one of the best selling British singers of all time. He was voted at #33 in Q Magazine's list of the top 100 Greatest Singers of all time.

source: Wikipedia

Commonwealth Games 2010

Pemilihan PKR 2010, Pemulihan Dalaman Parti

Oleh Hamdan M. Salleh

4 Oktober 2010

Unik. Itulah yang dapat digarap bagi memberi persepsi Pemilihan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN) 2010. Seluruh peminat politik negara nyata memberi tumpuan kepada satu proses yang belum pernah berlaku dalam amalan parti politik dan kepartian di Malaysia.

Ada yang memuji, banyak juga yang mengeji, belum dikira yang keliru dan setengahnya mengkritik tanpa memahami sedalam-dalamnya proses yang dijalankan.

Barisan Nasional terutama UMNO menjadikannya sebagai isu besar dan peluru untuk membedil KEADILAN. Rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat pula tertunggu-tunggu dan ada yang risau dengan proses penentu kesinambungan KEADILAN.

Memang ia unik. Mana tidaknya, barisan kepimpinan dari peringkat tertinggi hinggalah ke Cabang dipilih oleh setiap ahli yang keluar mengundi.

Satu Ahli Satu Undi. Pada asasnya, semua yang sah menjadi ahli serta menjelaskan yuran tertunggak pada hari mengundi layak memberi undi mereka kepada sesiapa jua calon yang mereka inginkan.

Keadaan ini sudah tentu menimbulkan situasi yang pelbagai. Timbul persoalan, apakah kesan kepada KEADILAN? Adakah PEMILIHAN 2010 ini akan mengukuh atau mengakibatkan KEADILAN berpecah hingga impaknya akan dirasai pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13?

Salah satu impak sudah pasti. Sama ada KEADILAN akan menjadi lebih kukuh sebaik tamatnya proses pemilihan menjelang November 2010 atau ia kembali berpecah dan mungkin lebih serius dari apa yang berlaku dalam Pemilihan 2001. Hanya masa akan menjadi penentu.

Namun, KEADILAN perlu melihat secara positif dengan proses ini. Bukan mudah untuk mengendalikan pengundian dua peringkat yang melibatkan hampir 500,000 ahli di 212 Cabang seluruh negara.

Secara am, KEADILAN tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan Umno, PAS mahupun DAP. KEADILAN sebuah parti baru. Usianya jika dimanusiakan hanya seorang kanak-kanak darjah 4 sekolah rendah.

Umno dan PAS usianya lebih lima dekad. Begitu juga DAP yang sudah amat matang. Malah, parti-parti “otai” yang muncul lama sebelum KEADILAN itu tidak melaksanakan pemilihan parti serumit ini.

Ini format baru. Setiap ahli ada kuasa mengundi seperti yang diluluskan dalam Konvensyen Khas KEADILAN 2009. Jadi, ia bukan suatu yang mudah untuk dijalankan.

Apatah lagi pelaksanaannya merangkumi seluruh negara di mana kita maklum bahawa KEADILAN bukanlah parti berakar umbi seperti UMNO dan PAS. Parti ini adalah parti dari atas ke bawah. Bukan bermula dari cawangan seperti kedua-dua parti tersebut.

Uniknya Pemilihan KEADILAN adalah ramai yang bertanding di peringkat tertinggi tidak mempunyai apa-apa jawatan atau tewas di peringkat Cabang. Contohnya Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, walau hanya setahun dalam KEADILAN sudah menjadi Ketua KEADILAN Wilayah Persekutuan layak bertanding pula jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Malah beliau tidak mempunyai apa-apa jawatan di Ranting dan baru dipilih Ketua Cabang. Uniknya beliau adalah Ketua KEADILAN Wilayah Persekutuan.

Mustaffa Kamil Ayub, Naib Presiden KEADILAN serta Ketua KEADILAN Perak tewas di peringkat pemilihan Cabang (MATC) Pasir Salak. Peliknya, Cabang yang menolaknya sebagai ketua pula mencalonkannya untuk bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Unik bukan? Ini sudah tentu tidak berlaku dalam parti-parti lain. Mustahil keadaan ini berlaku dalam Umno. Datuk Seri Najib sudah tentunya Ketua UMNO Bahagian Pekan yang kemudiannya sudah semestinya memimpin negeri dan kemuncaknya menjadi Presiden UMNO serta meneraju BN.

Tidak mungkin diterima keadaan Datuk Seri Najib kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri seandainya beliau tewas dalam pemilihan UMNO Bahagian Pekan. Situasi ini tidak salah kerana sudah menjadi lumrah politik di Malaysia.

Ini nyata tidak terjadi di dalam Pemilihan KEADILAN. Keadaan yang sama tentunya berlaku dalam parti-parti lain yang ada di Malaysia.

Tetapi, apa yang berlaku dalam KEADILAN juga tidak salah. Malah jauh lebih baik dan telus. Ia adalah satu proses perjalanan demokrasi tulen yang diperjuangkan oleh KEADILAN sebagi sebuah institusi kepartian politik yang sah.

Jadi, adakah PEMILIHAN 2010 ini bermasalah?

Pertama, semestinya mempunyai masalah tetapi tidaklah bermasalah. Pemilihan parti manakah yang tidak bermasalah? Masalah dalam mengendalikan sesuatu acara atau agenda tentunya mempunyai masalah dan cabarannya tersendiri.

Apatah lagi dalam mengurus agenda organisasi seperti parti politik. Ianya normal sahaja. Jika dilihat secara statistik, Cabang yang bermasalah dalam pemilihan setakat akhir September cuma tujuh. Walhal, Cabang yang telah bersidang untuk mengundi lebih 200.

Ini bermakna hanya 4 peratus yang bermasalah. Itu satu jumlah yang rendah. Amat rendah. Jika pengundian se remeh Akademi Fantasia dan Malaysia Idol pun hangat dan panas, apatah lagi pemilihan kepimpinan politik. Tambahan pula semua ahli mengundi bukan perwakilan.

Kedua, dari sudut promosi. Pemilihan KEADILAN 2010 ini merupakan iklan percuma untuk memperkenalkan lagi parti ini kepada rakyat Malaysia terutama mereka yang bukan ahli.

Media cetak dan media elektronik saban hari menyiarkan pelbagai berita positif dan negatif berkenaan Pemilihan KEADILAN. Baik Sinar Harian, malah Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian mempunyai ruang khusus untuk itu. Sudah tentu ia iklan tidak rasmi kepada bukan ahli disebalik pengharaman Suara Keadilan yang belum tentu bilakah ia akan mendapat status halalnya dari pihak Kementerian Dalam Negeri.

Itu belum dikira pelbagai blog dan laman sesawang yang menyiarkan pelbagai berita dan artikel tentang proses unik ini. Hakikat yang perlu diakui oleh semua, ia menarik minat ramai rakyat Malaysia termasuk mereka yang sebelum ini tidak berminat dalam isu politik.

Ketiga, ia sebenarnya satu latihan dan persediaan menghadapi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13. Amati semangat berkobar-kobar mereka yang bertanding, yang menyokong dan yang mengundi.

Kempen bukan sahaja disertai pelbagai risalah dan sepanduk, ia turut penuh dengan adegan “panas” yang biasa kita lihat dalam pilihan raya.

Ramai yang terlibat dalam proses ini dan tentunya semangat berkobar-kobar ini sekiranya boleh diterjemahkan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum nanti pastinya memberi kesan positif yang amat besar kepada jentera parti dengan syarat “konflik adik-beradik” dalam keluarga besar KEADILAN ini dapat disatukan sebaik sahaja tamatnya Pemilihan 2010.

Jumlah ahli yang keluar mengundi terutama di Selangor amat mengejutkan. Cabang Kapar menyaksikan dari kurang lebih 5,000 ahli KEADILAN yang berdaftar, lebih 4,000 keluar mengundi.

Cabang-cabang lain juga menyaksikan jumlah keluar mengundi yang tinggi. Ini tentunya berita baik dalam usaha KEADILAN dan rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat mempertahankan Selangor.

Mengapa Selangor penting? Kerana dari 500,000 ahli KEADILAN, sejumlah 150,000 atau 37.5 peratus ahli KEADILAN berada di Selangor. Ini juga bermakna KEADILAN sebenarnya tidak ketandusan ahli yang aktif.

Hikmah besar Pemilihan 2010 turut menampakkan ahli-ahli KEADILAN bukanlah sekadar dalam senarai di kertas. Pemilihan ini mengaktifkan juga mereka yang belum aktif, lesu dan mereka yang selama ini merasa cukup sekadar menjadi ahli biasa.

Keempat, Pemilihan 2010 ini membuktikan KEADILAN adalah sebuah parti yang ke hadapan, progresif serta tidak ketandusan pemimpin dari peringkat tertinggi hinggalah ke akar umbi.

Persoalan siapakah selepas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang kerap timbul mungkin akan terjawab menerusi pertandingan jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Calon-calon seperti Azmin Ali, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dan Mustaffa Kamil Ayub bukan calang-calang kredibiliti mereka. Masing-masing mempunyai kelebihan pengalaman, karisma, pemikiran serta idea tersendiri.

Itu belum dikira tokoh-tokoh yang turut pencalonan seperti Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dan Tian Chua. Naib Presiden juga menyaksikan begitu ramai tokoh yang boeh dinilai dan kemudiannya diundi oleh ahli-ahli.

Ini turut berlaku dalam pemilihan peringkat Cabang yang mana bukan sedikit mereka yang menawarkan diri. Keadaan ini perlu dilihat dari sudut positif.

KEADILAN perlu melahirlan lapisan pemimpin yang pelbagai selaras dengan kewujudan KEADILAN sendiri sebagai sebuah parti yang merentas ras dan ideologi.

Budaya politik wang yang sentiasa menjadi barah dan bisul parti politik juga dapat diminimakan kerana proses Satu Ahli Satu Undi tidak memungkinkan para pemimpin yang bertanding ini mampu menabur sekian banyak wang kepada semua ahli untuk mendapatkan undi.

Justeru itu, Pemilihan KEADILAN 2010 adalah satu agenda penting untuk memperkukuhkan lagi KEADILAN. Atau dengan izin, Pemilihan 2010 adalah Pemulihan Dalaman KEADILAN terutama jika diambil kira peristiwa-peristiwa negatif yang melanda KEADILAN pasca Tsunami 2008.

Kali ini, ahli parti yang menjadi penentu. Ia satu proses yang penting dan bersejarah serta akan menjadi titik tolak usaha KEADILAN dan rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat ke Putrajaya.

Dari kemunculannya sebagai Parti KeADILan Nasional pada 4 April 1999, kemudiannya penggabungan bersama Parti Rakyat Malaysia tanggal 3 Ogos 2003, disusuli pembebasan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim detik 2 September 2004 dan kemudiannya diperkukuhkan dengan politik Harapan Baru hingga membawa kejayaan pada Pilihan Raya ke-12; inilah gear lima kepada KEADILAN untuk mencapai hasrat dan cita-cita parti tersebut.

Bagi mereka yang bertanding pasti ada kalah dan menang. Namun anggaplah ia sebuah pertandingan sihat dalam keluarga besar KEADILAN.

Hamdan Datuk Mohd. Salleh merupakan ahli akademik di Univerisiti Industri Selangor (Unisel) yang mengkhusus dalam bidang sains politik. Kini beliau sedang menyiapkan tesis Doktor Falsafah yang mengkaji KEADILAN sebagai sebuah parti politik oposisi di Malaysia.